Feeling Rejected Became My Greatest Lesson.
Jan 17, 2025
In 2015, I had my daughter—a moment of pure joy 🌸 that sparked curiosity about my roots 🌳. I haven't met my father as he passed away when I was 8 years old. (My mother was a single mum).
Through social media, I found my brother. Tentatively, I reached out, hoping to connect and learn more about my family. I wanted to know about health staff and deep down I was looking for answers.
At first, we exchanged messages 💬. He shared details about my grandparents and mentioned two sisters I didn’t know I had. I felt excited and hopeful 🤗—but then, out of nowhere, he blocked me. 🚫
I was crushed. 💔 Rejected once more.
For months, I wondered why. What did I do wrong? The pain of rejection resurfaced wounds I didn’t even know I had. But in that darkness, a light emerged. 🌟
A voice inside me whispered:
“You can’t control how others feel about you. But this time, you cannot reject yourself.”
It hit me like a lightning bolt ⚡. I realized we all tell ourselves stories about rejection—stories that shape how we see ourselves. But here’s the truth: we reject ourselves more than anyone else ever could.
💡 How do we reject ourselves?
- When we avoid healing and bury our pain.
- When we say “yes” when we really want to say “no.” 🚦
- When we drown our dreams in doubt and distractions.
- When we ignore the pain our body carries instead of releasing it.
Every time we silence our needs or emotions, we turn our backs on ourselves. 💭 But here’s the good news: you can stop.
Your pain—whether it’s rejection, self-sabotage, or emotional overwhelm—can become your greatest teacher 🦋. It doesn’t have to define you.
Are you ready to rewrite your story? ✍️
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